So You Think You Know... Trees & Roots
LQ supplier member Arbor Operations recently hosted the LQ So You Think You Know… Trees & Roots event. LQ members attending were fortunate to benefit from many years of experience in this field from Arbor Operations & LQ Board Member Peter Mumford, as well as observe demonstrations from the Arbor Operations and Root Barrier teams.
This extremely informative event covered everything from soil and understanding appropriate root depths, planting best practice, mulching, root problems and treatments, protection of trees, through to tree trimming and installing Root Barrier. The afternoon included tree trimming demonstrations and concluded with a neighbourhood walk observing arboriculture tips and advice in the wild!
Members unable to attend the event can view presentations here. LQ will be working with the Arbor Operations and Root Barrier team for future events, keep an eye out in the new year!
Click for more information on the services provided by Arbor Operations and Root Barrier.